MU69 and Yuggoth
(too old to reply)
2018-11-29 02:40:57 UTC
When New Horizons gets to Kuiper Belt object MU69 in a month I bet it's gonna be swarming with Mi-Go (the Fungi from Yuggoth). Lovecraft said Yuggoth was actually Pluto or a similarly remote world.
Donald G. Davis
2018-11-29 20:40:59 UTC
Post by j***@furrs.org
When New Horizons gets to Kuiper Belt object MU69 in a month I bet it's
gonna be swarming with Mi-Go (the Fungi from Yuggoth). Lovecraft said
Yuggoth was actually Pluto or a similarly remote world.
Indeed, HPL had an uncannily prescient way of anticipating obscure
things about natural science. The narrator in The Whisperer in Darkness
refers to "The black rivers of pitch that flow under those mysterious
cyclopean bridges" on Yuggoth--and Pluto does turn out to have a surface
of plastic hydrocarbons. His stories also came down on the right side of
the continental drift debate decades before plate tectonics made it
geologic orthodoxy. And Whisperer and The Call of Cthulhu mention "dark
stars" before black holes were a widely-known phenomenon.

--Donald Davis
2020-05-07 04:07:59 UTC
Post by j***@furrs.org
When New Horizons gets to Kuiper Belt object MU69 in a month I bet it's gonna be swarming with Mi-Go (the Fungi from Yuggoth). Lovecraft said Yuggoth was actually Pluto or a similarly remote world.
I always thought it was a metaphor for Pluto. Well, MAYBE we actually WILL have intelligent life here beyond the cephalopods.