The Red Brain: Great Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos
(too old to reply)
W. H. Pugmire, Esq.
2016-01-21 21:19:07 UTC
Ye Cthulhu Mythos seems very Alive and Well, and I am especially looking forward to two forthcoming anthologies. S. T. has announc'd in his blog: "I am also compiling a volume entitled THE RED BRAIN: GREAT TALES OF THE CTHULHU MYTHOS for Dark Regions Press. This is a kind of follow-up to A MOUNTAIN WALKED, which has done surprisingly well in the paperback edition that Dark Regions issued late last year. THE RED BRAIN will again consist of both reprinted stories and original tales, and I hope to complete the compilation as early as April of this year." I am trying to remember a Mythos story called "The Red Brain," but cannot. Didn't Wandrei write a tale of that title--but it wasn't Lovecraftian, was it, being more science-fiction??? I am overjoy'd that Joshi has accepted my new story, "Pickman's Lazarus," for ye book.

I had an interesting time submitting a new story to Paula Guran for MAMMOTH BOOK OF CTHULHU: NEW LOVECRAFTIAN FICTION (Constable-Robinson/UK: April 2016; Running Press/USA, June 2016). I've never had an editor want so many changes made in a story. At one point I began to wonder if she had regretted accepting the tale, she kept altering portions of it--to ye point that, when we finish'd, it seem'd more a collaboration than a story I wrote on my own. (My original version, without Paula's alterations, will see print in my forthcoming book from Centipede Press.)

I miss'd ye deadline for Darrell Schweitzer's TALES FROM THE MISKATONIC LIBRARY, whut I assume will be a Lovecraftian anthology, if not a Mythos tome. I forget ye name of ye other bloke with whom Darrell has co-edited ye book. "This is an anthology of tales about, found in, inspired by, or stolen from the Miskatonic University Library." Sounds cool. Because ye Wilcox statuette of Cthulhu is on display in ye library, one contemplates that some of ye stories may concern ye Great Olde One.

Then we have a rather sad item--an anthology entitled INCLUSIVE CTHULU. I mean, honey, if ye are going to use Cthulhu in ye title of your book, ye shou'd know how Lovecraft spell'd it, right? "This is an anthology born in a panel at Balticon 49 in May 2015. The panel was all about being a fan of problematic things, and the example of loving the work of an author who was not a good person came up, particularly Lovecraft and his Cthlu Mythos. ...Lovecraft himself was a rampart misogynist, racist, and anti-Semitic. An audience member jokingly suggested that there should be a collection of stories that would make dear old Lovecraft roll over in his grave - like a black lesbian jew triumphing over the Unspeakable. And all the authors on panel and in audience said - 'Heeeeey, that sounds like fun?'" No, it sounds like fannish crap. It sounds like a bunch of losers who want to use Lovecraft's fame and name to sell their wretched book, a book the theme for which is, "Lovecraft was an asshole, and we will use his invention to say so." This is an immoral usage of an author's invention. If Lovecraft was such a kerk--DON'T USE HIS INVENTIONS AND NAME TO MARKET YOUR STUPID BOOK. Leave him the fuck alone. Bah.
2016-01-23 14:14:30 UTC
I am trying to remember a Mythos story called "The Red Brain," but cannot. Didn't Wandrei write a tale of that title--but it wasn't Lovecraftian, was it, being more science-fiction???I am overjoy'd that Joshi has accepted my new story, "Pickman's Lazarus," for ye book.
You're right -- Wandrei wrote a story called "The Twilight of Time" (a better title, IMO), which the editor changed to "The Red Brain". I can't recall a Mythos story of that title either, but I guess it is possible that S. T. is aiming for the "cosmic" end of the Mythos spectrum.
I miss'd ye deadline for Darrell Schweitzer's TALES FROM THE MISKATONIC LIBRARY, whut I assume will be a Lovecraftian anthology, if not a Mythos tome. I forget ye name of ye other bloke with whom Darrell has co-edited ye book.
John Ashmead, I think.
Then we have a rather sad item--an anthology entitled INCLUSIVE CTHULU. I mean, honey, if ye are going to use Cthulhu in ye title of your book, ye shou'd know how Lovecraft spell'd it, right? "This is an anthology born in a panel at Balticon 49 in May 2015. The panel was all about being a fan of problematic things, and the example of loving the work of an author who was not a good person came up, particularly Lovecraft and his Cthlu Mythos. ...Lovecraft himself was a rampart misogynist, racist, and anti-Semitic. An audience member jokingly suggested that there should be a collection of stories that would make dear old Lovecraft roll over in his grave - like a black lesbian jew triumphing over the Unspeakable. And all the authors on panel and in audience said - 'Heeeeey, that sounds like fun?'" No, it sounds like fannish crap. It sounds like a bunch of losers who want to use Lovecraft's fame and name to sell their wretched book, a book the theme for which is, "Lovecraft was an asshole, and we will use his invention to say so." This is an immoral usage of an author's invention. If Lovecraft was such a kerk--DON'T USE HIS INVENTIONS AND NAME TO MARKET YOUR STUPID BOOK. Leave him the fuck alone. Bah.
Hilarious! Yeah, you're right, Wilum. That does sound like a publication of the Society for Mutual Admiration.
W. H. Pugmire, Esq.
2016-01-23 17:18:02 UTC
Post by W. H. Pugmire, Esq.
Ye Cthulhu Mythos seems very Alive and Well, and I am especially looking forward to two forthcoming anthologies. S. T. has announc'd in his blog: "I am also compiling a volume entitled THE RED BRAIN: GREAT TALES OF THE CTHULHU MYTHOS for Dark Regions Press. This is a kind of follow-up to A MOUNTAIN WALKED, which has done surprisingly well in the paperback edition that Dark Regions issued late last year. THE RED BRAIN will again consist of both reprinted stories and original tales, and I hope to complete the compilation as early as April of this year." I am trying to remember a Mythos story called "The Red Brain," but cannot. Didn't Wandrei write a tale of that title--but it wasn't Lovecraftian, was it, being more science-fiction??? I am overjoy'd that Joshi has accepted my new story, "Pickman's Lazarus," for ye book.
I had an interesting time submitting a new story to Paula Guran for MAMMOTH BOOK OF CTHULHU: NEW LOVECRAFTIAN FICTION (Constable-Robinson/UK: April 2016; Running Press/USA, June 2016). I've never had an editor want so many changes made in a story. At one point I began to wonder if she had regretted accepting the tale, she kept altering portions of it--to ye point that, when we finish'd, it seem'd more a collaboration than a story I wrote on my own. (My original version, without Paula's alterations, will see print in my forthcoming book from Centipede Press.)
I miss'd ye deadline for Darrell Schweitzer's TALES FROM THE MISKATONIC LIBRARY, whut I assume will be a Lovecraftian anthology, if not a Mythos tome. I forget ye name of ye other bloke with whom Darrell has co-edited ye book. "This is an anthology of tales about, found in, inspired by, or stolen from the Miskatonic University Library." Sounds cool. Because ye Wilcox statuette of Cthulhu is on display in ye library, one contemplates that some of ye stories may concern ye Great Olde One.
Then we have a rather sad item--an anthology entitled INCLUSIVE CTHULU. I mean, honey, if ye are going to use Cthulhu in ye title of your book, ye shou'd know how Lovecraft spell'd it, right? "This is an anthology born in a panel at Balticon 49 in May 2015. The panel was all about being a fan of problematic things, and the example of loving the work of an author who was not a good person came up, particularly Lovecraft and his Cthlu Mythos. ...Lovecraft himself was a rampart misogynist, racist, and anti-Semitic. An audience member jokingly suggested that there should be a collection of stories that would make dear old Lovecraft roll over in his grave - like a black lesbian jew triumphing over the Unspeakable. And all the authors on panel and in audience said - 'Heeeeey, that sounds like fun?'" No, it sounds like fannish crap. It sounds like a bunch of losers who want to use Lovecraft's fame and name to sell their wretched book, a book the theme for which is, "Lovecraft was an asshole, and we will use his invention to say so." This is an immoral usage of an author's invention. If Lovecraft was such a kerk--DON'T USE HIS INVENTIONS AND NAME TO MARKET YOUR STUPID BOOK. Leave him the fuck alone. Bah.
I'm having din-din with S. T. to-night, so if I remember I will ask him about "The Red Brain." I plan on rereading the story this morning.

Yes, INCLUSIVE CTHULU sounds like a book to ignore. If you think Lovecraft is an intolerable jerk, don't make money off his name and reputation. Not that only we who love and admire Lovecraft shou'd be the ones "allowed" to write Mythos fiction. I doubt if many of the Mythos/Lovecraftian anthologies publish'd in the last five years have been edited by people who actually admire HPL. But the tone of this anthology seems to be, "Lovecraft was such an awful person, and we are going to write stories that shew the kind of person he should have been, one that was caring and treated all people with equal justice." Of course, I'm probably over-reacting, being that I am such a profound admirer of the man Lovecraft as well as the man's work. Bah. It will be a relief to hang-out tonight with S. T.--a man of color who loves Lovecraft as much as I do.
thang ornerythinchus
2016-01-24 10:24:01 UTC
On Sat, 23 Jan 2016 09:18:02 -0800 (PST), "W. H. Pugmire, Esq."
Post by W. H. Pugmire, Esq.
Post by W. H. Pugmire, Esq.
Ye Cthulhu Mythos seems very Alive and Well, and I am especially looking forward to two forthcoming anthologies. S. T. has announc'd in his blog: "I am also compiling a volume entitled THE RED BRAIN: GREAT TALES OF THE CTHULHU MYTHOS for Dark Regions Press. This is a kind of follow-up to A MOUNTAIN WALKED, which has done surprisingly well in the paperback edition that Dark Regions issued late last year. THE RED BRAIN will again consist of both reprinted stories and original tales, and I hope to complete the compilation as early as April of this year." I am trying to remember a Mythos story called "The Red Brain," but cannot. Didn't Wandrei write a tale of that title--but it wasn't Lovecraftian, was it, being more science-fiction??? I am overjoy'd that Joshi has accepted my new story, "Pickman's Lazarus," for ye book.
I had an interesting time submitting a new story to Paula Guran for MAMMOTH BOOK OF CTHULHU: NEW LOVECRAFTIAN FICTION (Constable-Robinson/UK: April 2016; Running Press/USA, June 2016). I've never had an editor want so many changes made in a story. At one point I began to wonder if she had regretted accepting the tale, she kept altering portions of it--to ye point that, when we finish'd, it seem'd more a collaboration than a story I wrote on my own. (My original version, without Paula's alterations, will see print in my forthcoming book from Centipede Press.)
I miss'd ye deadline for Darrell Schweitzer's TALES FROM THE MISKATONIC LIBRARY, whut I assume will be a Lovecraftian anthology, if not a Mythos tome. I forget ye name of ye other bloke with whom Darrell has co-edited ye book. "This is an anthology of tales about, found in, inspired by, or stolen from the Miskatonic University Library." Sounds cool. Because ye Wilcox statuette of Cthulhu is on display in ye library, one contemplates that some of ye stories may concern ye Great Olde One.
Then we have a rather sad item--an anthology entitled INCLUSIVE CTHULU. I mean, honey, if ye are going to use Cthulhu in ye title of your book, ye shou'd know how Lovecraft spell'd it, right? "This is an anthology born in a panel at Balticon 49 in May 2015. The panel was all about being a fan of problematic things, and the example of loving the work of an author who was not a good person came up, particularly Lovecraft and his Cthlu Mythos. ...Lovecraft himself was a rampart misogynist, racist, and anti-Semitic. An audience member jokingly suggested that there should be a collection of stories that would make dear old Lovecraft roll over in his grave - like a black lesbian jew triumphing over the Unspeakable. And all the authors on panel and in audience said - 'Heeeeey, that sounds like fun?'" No, it sounds like fannish crap. It sounds like a bunch of losers who want to use Lovecraft's fame and name to sell their wretched book, a book the theme for which is, "Lovecraft was an
asshole, and we will use his invention to say so." This is an immoral usage of an author's invention. If Lovecraft was such a kerk--DON'T USE HIS INVENTIONS AND NAME TO MARKET YOUR STUPID BOOK. Leave him the fuck alone. Bah.
I'm having din-din with S. T. to-night, so if I remember I will ask him about "The Red Brain." I plan on rereading the story this morning.
Yes, INCLUSIVE CTHULU sounds like a book to ignore. If you think Lovecraft is an intolerable jerk, don't make money off his name and reputation. Not that only we who love and admire Lovecraft shou'd be the ones "allowed" to write Mythos fiction. I doubt if many of the Mythos/Lovecraftian anthologies publish'd in the last five years have been edited by people who actually admire HPL. But the tone of this anthology seems to be, "Lovecraft was such an awful person, and we are going to write stories that shew the kind of person he should have been, one that was caring and treated all people with equal justice." Of course, I'm probably over-reacting, being that I am such a profound admirer of the man Lovecraft as well as the man's work. Bah. It will be a relief to hang-out tonight with S. T.--a man of color who loves Lovecraft as much as I do.
Heh. A man of colour - which two thirds of the world is if you take
the perspective of the minority.

In any case, the nature and character of a writer or in fact any
artist is totally irrelevant to the output. I couldn't give a toss
about what sort of man HPL was - all I know is his writings influenced
me and many many other millions of people and that is all I care
about. He created an entirely novel genre in supernatural fiction
with such meticulously crafted minutiae that a strange and weird life,
history and therefore reality was thereon imbued. When I was a kid, I
actually researched the texts and places introduced by HPL and by his
intimates (the Black Stone is one which sticks in my memory - RE
Howard - I tried to find Stregoicavar...in the atlas). I owe HPL part
of my childhood (a weird childhood) and a lot of my maturing years.

Like all of us, he was a product of his times. I will never forget him
- until that inevitable gyre takes me to another place, or no place at
W. H. Pugmire, Esq.
2016-01-24 19:14:32 UTC
Post by W. H. Pugmire, Esq.
Ye Cthulhu Mythos seems very Alive and Well, and I am especially looking forward to two forthcoming anthologies. S. T. has announc'd in his blog: "I am also compiling a volume entitled THE RED BRAIN: GREAT TALES OF THE CTHULHU MYTHOS for Dark Regions Press. This is a kind of follow-up to A MOUNTAIN WALKED, which has done surprisingly well in the paperback edition that Dark Regions issued late last year. THE RED BRAIN will again consist of both reprinted stories and original tales, and I hope to complete the compilation as early as April of this year." I am trying to remember a Mythos story called "The Red Brain," but cannot. Didn't Wandrei write a tale of that title--but it wasn't Lovecraftian, was it, being more science-fiction??? I am overjoy'd that Joshi has accepted my new story, "Pickman's Lazarus," for ye book.
I had an interesting time submitting a new story to Paula Guran for MAMMOTH BOOK OF CTHULHU: NEW LOVECRAFTIAN FICTION (Constable-Robinson/UK: April 2016; Running Press/USA, June 2016). I've never had an editor want so many changes made in a story. At one point I began to wonder if she had regretted accepting the tale, she kept altering portions of it--to ye point that, when we finish'd, it seem'd more a collaboration than a story I wrote on my own. (My original version, without Paula's alterations, will see print in my forthcoming book from Centipede Press.)
I miss'd ye deadline for Darrell Schweitzer's TALES FROM THE MISKATONIC LIBRARY, whut I assume will be a Lovecraftian anthology, if not a Mythos tome. I forget ye name of ye other bloke with whom Darrell has co-edited ye book. "This is an anthology of tales about, found in, inspired by, or stolen from the Miskatonic University Library." Sounds cool. Because ye Wilcox statuette of Cthulhu is on display in ye library, one contemplates that some of ye stories may concern ye Great Olde One.
Then we have a rather sad item--an anthology entitled INCLUSIVE CTHULU. I mean, honey, if ye are going to use Cthulhu in ye title of your book, ye shou'd know how Lovecraft spell'd it, right? "This is an anthology born in a panel at Balticon 49 in May 2015. The panel was all about being a fan of problematic things, and the example of loving the work of an author who was not a good person came up, particularly Lovecraft and his Cthlu Mythos. ...Lovecraft himself was a rampart misogynist, racist, and anti-Semitic. An audience member jokingly suggested that there should be a collection of stories that would make dear old Lovecraft roll over in his grave - like a black lesbian jew triumphing over the Unspeakable. And all the authors on panel and in audience said - 'Heeeeey, that sounds like fun?'" No, it sounds like fannish crap. It sounds like a bunch of losers who want to use Lovecraft's fame and name to sell their wretched book, a book the theme for which is, "Lovecraft was an asshole, and we will use his invention to say so." This is an immoral usage of an author's invention. If Lovecraft was such a kerk--DON'T USE HIS INVENTIONS AND NAME TO MARKET YOUR STUPID BOOK. Leave him the fuck alone. Bah.
Last night was an intense revelation of things to come. Anyone who is doing anything in the Lovecraft field seems to approach S. T. in some way, and I was amaz'd at what he had to shew me. It's frustrating that I can't disclose the coolest of ye projects until their various editors and publishers announce them--but we have at least two MAMMOTH new editions of Lovecraft to look forward too. I saw a screenplay for a potential film version of one of Lovecraft's classic works, and heard rumors regarding forthcoming anthologies. There is no end in sight. Of course, my poverty cools, a little, my enthrallment--who can afford all this groovy stuff? But I hope to be able to purchase one or two of the really exciting items.
2017-01-17 02:29:22 UTC
Post by W. H. Pugmire, Esq.
Ye Cthulhu Mythos seems very Alive and Well, and I am especially looking forward to two forthcoming anthologies. S. T. has announc'd in his blog: "I am also compiling a volume entitled THE RED BRAIN: GREAT TALES OF THE CTHULHU MYTHOS for Dark Regions Press. This is a kind of follow-up to A MOUNTAIN WALKED, which has done surprisingly well in the paperback edition that Dark Regions issued late last year. THE RED BRAIN will again consist of both reprinted stories and original tales, and I hope to complete the compilation as early as April of this year." I am trying to remember a Mythos story called "The Red Brain," but cannot. Didn't Wandrei write a tale of that title--but it wasn't Lovecraftian, was it, being more science-fiction??? I am overjoy'd that Joshi has accepted my new story, "Pickman's Lazarus," for ye book.
I had an interesting time submitting a new story to Paula Guran for MAMMOTH BOOK OF CTHULHU: NEW LOVECRAFTIAN FICTION (Constable-Robinson/UK: April 2016; Running Press/USA, June 2016). I've never had an editor want so many changes made in a story. At one point I began to wonder if she had regretted accepting the tale, she kept altering portions of it--to ye point that, when we finish'd, it seem'd more a collaboration than a story I wrote on my own. (My original version, without Paula's alterations, will see print in my forthcoming book from Centipede Press.)
I miss'd ye deadline for Darrell Schweitzer's TALES FROM THE MISKATONIC LIBRARY, whut I assume will be a Lovecraftian anthology, if not a Mythos tome. I forget ye name of ye other bloke with whom Darrell has co-edited ye book. "This is an anthology of tales about, found in, inspired by, or stolen from the Miskatonic University Library." Sounds cool. Because ye Wilcox statuette of Cthulhu is on display in ye library, one contemplates that some of ye stories may concern ye Great Olde One.
Then we have a rather sad item--an anthology entitled INCLUSIVE CTHULU. I mean, honey, if ye are going to use Cthulhu in ye title of your book, ye shou'd know how Lovecraft spell'd it, right? "This is an anthology born in a panel at Balticon 49 in May 2015. The panel was all about being a fan of problematic things, and the example of loving the work of an author who was not a good person came up, particularly Lovecraft and his Cthlu Mythos. ...Lovecraft himself was a rampart misogynist, racist, and anti-Semitic. An audience member jokingly suggested that there should be a collection of stories that would make dear old Lovecraft roll over in his grave - like a black lesbian jew triumphing over the Unspeakable. And all the authors on panel and in audience said - 'Heeeeey, that sounds like fun?'" No, it sounds like fannish crap. It sounds like a bunch of losers who want to use Lovecraft's fame and name to sell their wretched book, a book the theme for which is, "Lovecraft was an asshole, and we will use his invention to say so." This is an immoral usage of an author's invention. If Lovecraft was such a kerk--DON'T USE HIS INVENTIONS AND NAME TO MARKET YOUR STUPID BOOK. Leave him the fuck alone. Bah.
Hey Wilum, I ran across this but have no idea if it's mythos:https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7248570-the-red-brain
W. H. Pugmire, Esq.
2017-01-17 16:52:29 UTC
Post by W. H. Pugmire, Esq.
Ye Cthulhu Mythos seems very Alive and Well, and I am especially looking forward to two forthcoming anthologies. S. T. has announc'd in his blog: "I am also compiling a volume entitled THE RED BRAIN: GREAT TALES OF THE CTHULHU MYTHOS for Dark Regions Press. This is a kind of follow-up to A MOUNTAIN WALKED, which has done surprisingly well in the paperback edition that Dark Regions issued late last year. THE RED BRAIN will again consist of both reprinted stories and original tales, and I hope to complete the compilation as early as April of this year." I am trying to remember a Mythos story called "The Red Brain," but cannot. Didn't Wandrei write a tale of that title--but it wasn't Lovecraftian, was it, being more science-fiction??? I am overjoy'd that Joshi has accepted my new story, "Pickman's Lazarus," for ye book.
I had an interesting time submitting a new story to Paula Guran for MAMMOTH BOOK OF CTHULHU: NEW LOVECRAFTIAN FICTION (Constable-Robinson/UK: April 2016; Running Press/USA, June 2016). I've never had an editor want so many changes made in a story. At one point I began to wonder if she had regretted accepting the tale, she kept altering portions of it--to ye point that, when we finish'd, it seem'd more a collaboration than a story I wrote on my own. (My original version, without Paula's alterations, will see print in my forthcoming book from Centipede Press.)
I miss'd ye deadline for Darrell Schweitzer's TALES FROM THE MISKATONIC LIBRARY, whut I assume will be a Lovecraftian anthology, if not a Mythos tome. I forget ye name of ye other bloke with whom Darrell has co-edited ye book. "This is an anthology of tales about, found in, inspired by, or stolen from the Miskatonic University Library." Sounds cool. Because ye Wilcox statuette of Cthulhu is on display in ye library, one contemplates that some of ye stories may concern ye Great Olde One.
Then we have a rather sad item--an anthology entitled INCLUSIVE CTHULU. I mean, honey, if ye are going to use Cthulhu in ye title of your book, ye shou'd know how Lovecraft spell'd it, right? "This is an anthology born in a panel at Balticon 49 in May 2015. The panel was all about being a fan of problematic things, and the example of loving the work of an author who was not a good person came up, particularly Lovecraft and his Cthlu Mythos. ...Lovecraft himself was a rampart misogynist, racist, and anti-Semitic. An audience member jokingly suggested that there should be a collection of stories that would make dear old Lovecraft roll over in his grave - like a black lesbian jew triumphing over the Unspeakable. And all the authors on panel and in audience said - 'Heeeeey, that sounds like fun?'" No, it sounds like fannish crap. It sounds like a bunch of losers who want to use Lovecraft's fame and name to sell their wretched book, a book the theme for which is, "Lovecraft was an asshole, and we will use his invention to say so." This is an immoral usage of an author's invention. If Lovecraft was such a kerk--DON'T USE HIS INVENTIONS AND NAME TO MARKET YOUR STUPID BOOK. Leave him the fuck alone. Bah.
I thought this anthology was supposed to come out last year, but S. T. is doing SO MANY BOOKS I become confus'd as to whut is whut. The book is to be publish'd by Dark Regions Press, and I believe there will be a trade paperback edition only. I just checked ye DRP site, and they do not give a date but say that the book will be published some time this year. I'll begin a post on ye tome as soon as I gets me copy.
2017-01-17 19:18:44 UTC
I think I saw somewhere that it will be out during Q1 of 2017.
